Aid and Development

UN Women

Supporting the Most Vulnerable Members of the Community

When UN women sought to raise awareness on its efforts to support the Government of Jordan in addressing the far-reaching impact of the Syria crisis, it approached Advvise for help. The premise was a communications campaign to promote social cohesion in communities hosting Syrian refugees, with a focus on women and girls. The campaign was to tackle a wide array of focal issues, such gender equality, women’s rights, and the challenges leveled against refugees fleeing one of the most protracted crises in the region.

Advvise delivered a 360-degree campaign that distilled UN Women’s mandate and message to its essence while leveraging the power of a multitude of communication mediums, including social media, online news portals, newspapers, radio, and television. The campaign lent particular focus on the design process, delivering creative concepts that spoke to audiences on a personal level, cultivating empathy and highlighting the importance of a harmonious approach to social cohesion on both community and national levels.


The National Bank of Iraq

Building Trust in the Future
Aid and Development

UN Women

Shattering Harmful Gender Norms with UN Women

World Social Media Summit 2021

Award for Best Social Media Campaign for Social Change
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