Fashion and Design


A Little Extra Sparkle

When Damas — one of the most prominent retailers of jewelry and watches in the region — sought to host an auspicious event that is literally fit for royalty, they knew exactly whom to turn to when they approached Advvise. The event was being held in partnership with HRH Princess Nejla Bint Asem of Jordan to announce the design of an exclusive line of jewelry that incorporated elements of the princess’s heritage, which meant the creative stakes were set high from the start. Being seasoned experts in creative concepts, Advvise more than delivered, hosting a luxury event that not only captured the authentic art of the collection itself but also gave it the public profile it deserved. Both regional and local media were on the scene with a full line-up of interviews pre-arranged to give the event the buzz it deserved.



Making Headlines with Redmi
Technology and Telecommunications


Connecting Jordan

World Social Media Summit 2021

Award for Best Social Media Campaign for Social Change
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Phone: +962 6 562 676 8
Fax: +962 6 562 676 6
Our Location
12 Abdel Hamed Shoman St. - shmeisani 11194 Amman, Jordan
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