Informing the Public in Creative and Approachable Ways
The Amman Chamber of Commerce, which represents over 49,000 businesses in the Jordanian capital, had always sought to reinforce its communication channels with the public, particularly with regards to the commercial sector’s contribution to the local economy and the wealth of opportunities it has made available to the local workforce. The Chamber approached Advvise, whose longstanding work in aid and development gave its team an added edge when it comes to creating dynamic, informative campaigns. The expectations were fairly ambitious, as the campaign was to tackle a wide array of economic issues that needed to be distilled into simple, coherent messages, in addition to the effective management of the Chamber’s social media platforms, media relations, and potential communications crises.
Addvise delivered all of that and more, producing an ongoing campaign that yielded a 500 percent increase in the Chamber’s audience on social media, a 30x increase in the reach of the client’s Facebook page (which, as of July 2020, has totaled 3.5 million users), and a 4x increase in overall engagement. The campaign continues to leverage simple, creative messaging and inviting artwork that have made conventionally dry topics far more approachable to communities nationwide, many of whom have developed a more cohesive understanding of the critical role played by this essential governing body